
Chantilly HS Drama Boosters

The drama students of Chantilly High School would love your support. Your donations of time and resources go directly back into the program and allow us to continue to provide high-quality performances. Here are a few things we support:

  • Two children's shows (for Drama 1 & 2 students and CHS students not currently enrolled in Theatre Arts classes.)

  • Financial support for Drama activities for students in need

  • The Cappies room (hospitality for Cappies critics at our Cappies candidate show)

  • International Thespian (ITS) Activities: Coffee House, Camp-out, Cabaret Shows

  • CHS Drama Scholarships for Seniors

The Chantilly High School Drama Boosters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing support to the Chantilly High School Theatre program. Your membership and tax-deductible donation goes entirely toward supporting a strong educational foundation for CHS theatre students as well as performance, scholarship and travel opportunities.

In addition to financial support, the boosters organize the parent volunteers who vital to the success of each show, assisting with costuming, production needs, delivering tech week meals and all the lobby staff who sell tickets, break-a-leg-grams, spirit wear and concessions.

Monthly Meetings

All parents and adult family members of current Chantilly High School students are invited to attend our monthly meetings for updates and information on ways you can get involved.  We extend a special invitation to families of any cast or crew members of our upcoming shows.

We meet on the second Tuesday of every month in the Black Box (room 106).  The door from the parking lot is to the left of door 11.

There is no requirement to show up for every meeting. Come to as many as you are able, and watch out for our email messages outlining volunteer needs. Any time and resources you can give to the department will help make the Chantilly Drama program a success for our CHS students.

Boosters Board and Committee Leads

Officer Name
President Robin Cole
Vice President Jen McKain-Dausch
Secretary Jayne Dodson
Treasurer Jim Sikra
Publicity Lisa Payne
Committee Name
Concessions Heather Tomasek
Box Office Brian Topscher
Break-a-Legs Chrissy Fulfaro
Costume Liaisons Vacant
Cappies Room Tracy Shaw Garback
Jen Topscher
Spirit Wear Tony & Melissa Pelcynski
Amy Klun


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